2024 Julian Clement Chase Prize Award Ceremony

Thu, 26 September, 2024 4:00pm - 6:30pm

Rainbow Pride Douglass Bridge Norman E Jones DCDOT


This event is free and open to the public.

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Hosted by the Executive Director of HumanitiesDC, 
Rebecca Lemos Otero

4:00 pm Awards Ceremony

6:30 pm Reception

MLK Library Public Arts and Exhibits open for viewing before and after event.

JCC Prize for Research Writing on the District of Columbia 

  • Samiha Farooqi, “'Metro Was Running it Like a Plantation': Racial and Economic Justice in the 1978 WMATA Wildcat Strikes"
  • Honorable Mention: Amna Maqsood, Brynna Johnson, and Elizabeth Durham, "The Sound of Water: The Analysis of Lead Service Line Replacement Efforts in Washington, DC" 

JCC Prize for Creative Writing in Washington

  • Tyler Alexander, "Big Chairs"

JCC Prize for Community Impact in the District of Columbia

  • Shreya Papneja, Screen in Time and Save a Life: Increasing Cancer Screening Literacy and Resources among Community Members in Wards 7 and 8 in the District of Columbia 

This event is supported in proud collaboration between Julian Clement Chase Endowment Humanities DC.

HumanitiesDC Logo

The Julian Clement Chase Prizes are presented by the University Writing Program in collaboration with the Creative Writing program and the Nashman Center for Civic Engagement and Public Service.

Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library 901 G St. NW, 401a, Conference Center Washington DC 20001

Open to everyone.

Andrea Fishburn
[email protected]

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