JCC Faculty Incentive Grants

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 With generous support from Owen Clements, the University Writing Program is pleased to announce that we will award multiple $250 grants to faculty who develop or revise major course assignments in connection with the Julian Clement Chase Prizes. 

These awards will be offered in Spring 2025, AY25-26, and AY26-27.

History of JCC Prizes

The Chase Prizes honor Sgt. Julian Clement Chase, a Washington, D.C. native who loved this city. After graduating high school in 2008, he enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps and served in Afghanistan. During his second tour of duty, he applied to GW and eagerly anticipated returning to his hometown to enroll as a freshman. On Memorial Day, May 28, 2012, at age 22, he was killed in action in Helmand Province and was posthumously awarded the Purple Heart, and admission to GW. Julian loved his hometown—from Rock Creek Park to Ben’s Chili Bowl—and relished exploring it. He loved writing, photography, history, and music. To honor Julian’s spirit of home-grown adventure, his family established the Chase Prizes to recognize GW students who explore D.C. with the intelligence and exuberance that he did.

GW Faculty are encouraged to review the Intentions of the Founders design course assignments that align with the Prizes.  Applicants may be full-time or part-time faculty. You may review winning projects from the Julian Clement Chase Prizes webpage.

Applicant Qualifications

To be considered for the $250 Faculty Incentive Grant, interested faculty should:

  • Develop or revise a major course assignment so that it aligns with any of the Julian Clement Chase Prizes:  Research Writing on the District of Columbia, Creative Writing in Washington, or Community Impact in the District of Columbia. The assignment should ensure that successful projects meet the requirements for a prize.
  • Encourage students to submit completed projects to the prize by their deadline (March 17th for the Creative Writing Prize; May 15 for the Research Writing or Community Impact Prizes) and provide links to the appropriate Julian Clement Chase Prize application page;
  • Attend and encourage students to attend the Julian Clement Chase Ceremony held yearly in October. Updated Ceremony details are available each fall from the Julian Clement Chase Prizes webpage. (If the date is not yet published when you apply, we will email you as soon as it has been set.)
  • Special Note for Part-Time Faculty: Any part-time faculty participation is voluntary. Applying for the Faculty Incentive Grant is not required for any teaching or administrative responsibilities, and is not considered for reappointment.
How to Apply
  • Complete the JCC Faculty Incentive Grant Application form, which includes uploading a single PDF that includes the following, arranged in this order:
    1. Course syllabus
    2. Revised assignment
    3. Any other materials through which you encourage prize submission and ceremony attendance.
  • Submit immediately prior to or during the semester when you will be teaching the course.
  • Deadline for Spring 2025: EXTENDED to March 24th  February 21 (for AY26 and AY27, the deadline will be at the start of a semester).
How are awardees chosen?

Awardees will be chosen by committee chairs for the three prizes. If we have more applicants than funds, we will select those that integrate the spirit of the JCC prize and the prize criteria most fully into the assignment.

You may only receive the JCC Faculty Incentive grant once; if you were not awarded one in a given year, you’re welcome to apply again.