Writing and Publishing Resources

Explore additional resources for publishing and writing through these publicly available programs and materials.

Faculty Writing 

OVPR sponsored GW Faculty Writing Retreats

Check GW Events Calendar for upcoming retreats!

National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD)

Special recommendation for the Faculty Support Program. See the Faculty Affairs Professional Development & Faculty Support webpage for more information about GW Membership.

Professional Writing




National Association of Independent Writers & Editors (NAIWE)

NAIWE is a professional association for all publishing professionals! We exist to help members succeed with our unique focus on creating multiple streams of income.

GW College of Professional Studies Publishing Certificate

The Graduate Certificate in Publishing program is designed for aspiring professionals without significant publishing experience, and for those needing a comprehensive background in the fundamentals of publishing (see also the Graduate Certificate in Publishing Management and the Master of Professional Studies in Publishing program).

Writing Workshops

The Writer's Center

The Writer’s Center supports writers and everyone who wants to write! Every year we offer hundreds of creative writing workshops in all genres and for all experience levels, dozens of free events for writers, and countless opportunities to connect with the Washington DC and national literary communities.