Dialogue: The Real Food Challenge at GWU (and Beyond)
A University Writing Program/First Chapter “Real Food Justice” Event
Last spring, GW & Sodexo (GW’s food service provider) signed onto the “Real Food Challenge,” a student-led campaign to make university food more ecological, local, fair, and humane. This discussion will consider food justice, democracy and public argument right in our own dining spaces, featuring Cavan Kharrazian (Progressive Student Union), Miles Milliken (GW Food Justice Alliance), Ronda Chapman (Office of Sustainability), and Rob Morasco (Sodexo). Join us as we explore how GW came to participate in this Challenge, how it will affect your daily options, and the role of argument and persuasion as tools for social justice. Prof. Abby Wilkerson of the University Writing Program will moderate.
source: RealFoodChallenge.org