New Prizes celebrate GWU’s Connections with the District of Columbia

October 26, 2022

At the October 13, 2022 Julian Clement Chase Award Ceremony, two new prizes were announced: the Julian Clement Chase Creative Writing in Washington Prize and the Julian Clement Chase Prize for Community Impact in the District of Columbia.  

Together with the Julian Clement Chase Undergraduate Research Writing Prize, these prizes honor Sgt. Julian Clement Chase, a native of DC who knew and relished his city. His family has established these prizes in his honor to celebrate others who explore D.C. with the intelligence and exuberance that Julian did. 

The prizes “recognize and honor: appetite, boldness, the striving toward humane excellence, and the building of community.”   

Three Julian Clement Chase Prizes

Julian Clement Chase Undergraduate Research Writing Prize recognizes exceptional research writing projects demonstrating an in-depth engagement with the District of Columbia. ($1000). University Writing Program. Application.  Contact: Phyllis Ryder

Julian Clement Chase Creative Writing in Washington Prize recognizes outstanding prose–a prize for fiction/creative nonfiction, given to a GW student, for creative writing that includes or incorporates the District of Columbia, utilizing the city as a backdrop, or for thematic purposes, in the narrative. ($1000). Creative Writing Program, English Department. Application Deadline: Fall 2023. Contact: Lisa Page

Julian Clement Chase Prize for Community Impact in the District of Columbia recognizes a GW student (or a team of students) for excellence in community service impact.  It illuminates excellence and effective practice in student community engagement and provides exemplars to the DC, GW, and broader community of the impact that students can have when working with members of the community to enhance the quality of life in the DC community. ($1000).  Honey W. Nashman Center for Civic Engagement & Public Service. Application Deadline May 2023. Contact: Amy Cohen