Rachel Riedner

Rachel Riedner
Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies, CCAS; Professor of Writing and of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Dr. Rachel Riedner is Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences where she is Professor of Writing and of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. She is a former Executive Director of the University Writing Program and director of the Writing in the Disciplines Program.
Dr. Riedner's scholarship spans the field of rhetoric and composition. Her most recent book, Writing Neoliberal Values, and other publications pursue interests in rhetoric in the context of gendered and racialized representations, governance, global capitalism, and feminist activism. Over the past few years, Dr. Riedner has collaborated with STEM colleagues to integrate writing into course design and curriculum, including in GW's Physics Department. This interest has led to a National Science Foundation grant with that studies how writing develops students' capacities for engineering judgement. Through long-standing collaborations with colleagues in the Republic of Ireland and other areas in Europe, Dr. Riedner has developed writing curriculum that is responsive to local learning conditions and education initiatives.
2019 – 2021. National Science Foundation Grant. “Research Initiation in Engineering Formation: Writing Education Initiating Identity Transformation in Engineering Students—The WRITES Project.” Co-PI with Royce Francis, Associate Professor of Systems Engineering, GW, and Marie Paretti, Professor of Engineering Education, Virginia Tech
Fulbright Specialist Grant. University of Trumsø, Norway (2016)
Faculty Specialist Award. Irish National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning and Maynooth University (2015) and TU Dublin (2016-2019)
Elizabeth Flynn Award for the most outstanding article published in feminist rhetoric and composition “Lives of In-Famous Women” (2013)
Dr. Riedner is involved in a long-term study on genre in physics education with Dr. Bill Briscoe, Dr. Alexander van der Horst, and Dr. Gary White from GW’s Physics’ Department and Dr. Carol Hayes, University Writing Program. Dr. Riedner’s next book, Beyond Recovery: Reckoning with Race, Nation, Imperialism, and Exceptionalism in Feminist Rhetorical Theory, is co-authored with Dr. Rebecca Dingo, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. She has also collaborated and published extensively with Dr. Jennifer Wingard, University of Houston. Dr. Riedner has an ongoing collaboration with Maria-José Gonzolez, TU Dublin, and other Irish colleagues on writing pedagogy and curricular development.
Writing Neoliberal Values: Rhetorical Connectivities and Globalized Capitalism Palgrave MacMillan series “Rhetoric, Society, Politics” (2015)
Democracies to Come: Rhetorical Action, Neoliberalism, and Communities of Resistance with Kevin Mahoney. Lexington Press (2008)
Journal Articles and Refereed Conference Proceedings
“Feminist Witnessing: Precarity, Gendered Labor, State Violence, and Solidarity” with Rebecca Dingo. Rhetoric Review (2021)
“Building a Writing Curriculum at the University of Limerick, Republic of Ireland: Knowledge Economy, Writing Centre, and Stealth WID” with Íde O’Sullivan.” Composition Forum (2021)
“Writing in Physics: Exigencies, Collaborations, Interventions, and Research” with Alexander van der Horst, Bill Briscoe, Carol Hayes, Gary White. Journal of Academic Writing (2020)
“They’re not Alone: An Oral History of the Pennsylvania Faculty Strike of 2016” with Gordon Mantler. Labor in Working Class History. Duke University Press (2020)
“Exploring the Role of Engineering Judgement in Engineering Identify Formation Through Student Technical Reports” with Royce Francis and Marie Parietti IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (2020)
"Labor Literacies in Neoliberal Higher Education: Background of the Pennsylvania State College and University Faculty Strike of 2016 with Seth Kahn and Kevin Mahoney" with Gordon Mantler. Academic Labor: Research and Artistry (2018)
"Transnational Approach to Feminist Rhetorical Practices" with Rebecca Dingo and Jennifer Wingard. Peitho (2018)
“Where are the Women? Rhetoric of Gendered Labor in University Communities” Literacy and Composition Studies (2015)
“Disposable Drudgery: Outsourcing Goes to College” with Rebecca Dingo and Jennifer Wingard. Transnational Writing Program Administration. Utah State University Press (2015)
“Toward a Cogent Analysis of Power: Transnational Rhetorical Studies” with Rebecca Dingo and Jennifer Wingard. JAC (2013)
“Lives of In-famous Women: Gender, Political Economy, Nation-State Power, and Persuasion in a Transnational Age.” JAC 33.3-4 (2013)
Ph.D. George Washington University, Human Sciences (2002)
M.A. George Washington University, Women’s Studies (1993)
B.A. University of Virginia, History and English (1989)