Working with Student Writers in the Disciplines
UTLC, UWP & WID Roundtable and Workshop
Fri, 3 February, 2017

Photo credit Mathias Bigge
Your course may not be officially designated as writing-intensive, but writing is still a key component. Students need to learn the expectations and genres of writing in your discipline, but it’s difficult to know when and how to teach them—especially given the pressure to cover required content. How can you build on students’ writing abilities as you introduce them to the content of your discipline? How can you help them to produce work that’s more complex, thoughtful, and polished?
This workshop, facilitated by University Writing Program faculty, offers a roundtable discussion and a forum for conversation about student writing. The roundtable gathers faculty from across the disciplines, including two 2016 winners of the WID Distinguished Teaching Award:
- Michelle Allendoerfer, Political Science and the Women’s Leadership Program
- Royce Francis, Engineering
- Chris Klemek, History (WID Teaching Award winner)
- Eugene Montague, Music
- Daniel DeWispelare, English (WID Teaching Award winner)
Our roundtable participants will offer brief and engaging accounts of their most effective strategies for understanding the capacities their students bring in academic writing, and eliciting the best writing their students can offer. Then, the roundtable participants will join tables of audience members (organized in groups of similar disciplines) and help lead a discussion on what has worked, and where best to place your efforts, in working with student writing in your classroom.